Trouble-Shooting a Safety Relief Valve

Trouble-Shooting a Safety Relief Valve

The Safety Relief (or Release) Valve is probably the most important item on your air saves lives!

How to tell if the Safety Valve needs replacement:

  1. It constantly leaks (obviously) upon initial start-up (from 0 PSI).
  2. If the Safety Valve doesn't blow off at the PSI designated on the valve itself.
  3. If the Safety Valve blows off before the compressor shuts off.

Note: Find out what the maximum PSIis of your compressor (a.k.a. "cut-out" pressure). If your air compressor has a cut-out pressure of 155 PSI, then your Safety Valve should blow off around 175 PSI. This is typical, it should be rated 20 to 30 PSI above the cut-out pressure because you don't want the Safety Valve blowing off at the same pressure the compressor shut off at, then it would always blow off when the compressor shuts off.

If your Safety Valve blows off below the cut-out pressure of the unit (125 PSI, 155 PSI etc.) which is when the Pressure Switch automatically cuts it off, you need to replace your Safety Valve.

Shop safety valves here.

Dec 12, 2024 Master Tool Repair

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